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Office of 多样性 & 包容

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R.I.S.E. Certificate Program

R.I.S.E. 图形

bc体育 the Program

TCU R.I.S.E. 证书课程由TCU人力资源部合作举办 and the Office of 多样性 and 包容. TCU R.I.S.E. Certificate is designed 为参与者提供工具和学习机会,以提高个人和bc体育水平 development in diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Selected participants will be challenged to:

  • 通过个人评估促进跨文化发展
  • 加强倡导和社会变革活动的技能
  • 制定策略来中断权力、特权、 and oppression.

TCU R.I.S.E证书课程的毕业生将被授权将概念应用到 concrete action.

Application for 2023 - 2024 closed.

2023-2024 Session Dates

All sessions will take place from 9 a.m. ——中午. Participants must attend all sessions to receive the TCU R.I.S.E. Certificate.

  • 第一部分-扩大公平、多元化和包容性. Awareness - October 13
  • Session 2 - Developing & 展示跨文化能力- 11月3日
  • Session 3 - Understanding Social Justice & Systems of Oppression – December 1
  • 第四部分-打破“主义”- 2月9日
  • Session 5 - Agency & Action: becoming an Agent of Change - March 1
  • 第6部分-利用包容性卓越框架- 4月19日
  • Closing Celebration - May 15

For more information please email 乌木玫瑰 at or Aisha Torrey-Sawyer at


  • Emily Barrios医学院纵向综合见习协调员

    Action Plan: Prioritizing DEI Learning in Department

  • Ahrein Bennett, Public Health Research Associate

    Action Plan: 研究中缺乏优先权和文化敏感性的价值

  • Leah Carnahan, Assistant Director, Counseling Center (CARE)

    Action Plan: Strategic Plan for TCU CARE Office

  • 戴夫•库珀, Assistant Dean, Dean of Student Office

    Action Plan: Restorative Justice Model for Student Conduct

  • 吉吉院长,市场营销副校长执行助理 & Communication

    Action Plan: DEI Audit for TCU Marketing & Communications Department Suppliers

  • Philip Dodd, Director, Leadership & Experiential Learning 

    Action Plan: DEIB Training for Student Leadership & Involvement 工作人员 and Student Leaders

  • 凯特埃文斯, Lab Coordinator, Nutritional Sciences 

    Action Plan: 计划鼓励TCU管理层应对校园食品不安全问题

  • Miriam Ezzani,教育领导学系副教授 & Higher Education

    Action Plan: 使教育学院与包容性卓越框架工具包保持一致

  • Eric Gilbert, Police Sergeant, TCU Police

    Action Plan: TCU Police Strategies for Community Outreach

  • Benjamin Janesko, Professor and Chair, Chemistry & Biochemistry

    Action Plan: 科学与工程学院全球卓越地位

  • Cecilia Lo-Chien Kao音乐bc体育实践助理教授

    Action Plan: Impact of Raised TOEFL Requirements on Students

  • Cebrail Karayigit, Associate Professor, Counseling & Counselor Education

    Action Plan: 心理咨询研究生宣传培训

  • Jackie Keiser, Senior User Interface Developer, TCU Marketing & Communication

    Action Plan: TCU Strategic Accessibility Program

  • Brandon Manning, Associate Professor of English

    Action Plan: 实施评估,衡量学生归属感

  • Susie Olmos-Soto, Senior Consultant, Human Resources

    Action Plan: Building Community & Academic Success Through Language

  • LaTrina Parker Hall, Director, McNair Program

    Action Plan: Mentoring Program for Underrepresented Frogs

  • Cameron Potter, Manager of Employee Success, Human Resources

    Action Plan: Create DEI Dashboards for Managers & 部门

  • Khadevis Robinson他是田径和越野赛主任

    Action Plan: 通过积极的伙伴关系进行社区参与

  • Reggie Wilburn, Associate Provost, Undergraduate Affairs

    Action Plan: 为学生消除公平的成功障碍

  • Olivia Williams, Director, Neeley Graduate Academic 项目

    Action Plan: Community Engaged Speaker Series

  • Amy Peterson
    Social 媒体 Manager, Marketing & Communication

  • 艾米Stewert
    Instructor, School of Music

  • Andrea Kaelin
    Associate Head Coach, Women’s Golf
  • Brooke Scogin
    Director, Fraternity and Sorority Life
  • Caroline Collier
    Director of Editorial 服务, Marketing & Communication
  • Charles Dewar
    IT Coordinator, IT
  • Chris Gilbody
    Director, Financial Education & Scholarship, TCU and UNTHSC School of Medicine
  • Clint Thomas
    Director, Asset Management & Technical 服务, Facility 服务
  • Crystal Page
    Care Coordinator, Dean of Students Office
  • Dora Aguilera
    Administrative Assistant, Campus Recreation 
  • Eric Simanek
    Professor, Chemistry
  • Erin Houchin
    Director of Brite Housing, Brite Divinity School
  • Glenda Daniels
    Associate Professor, Nursing
  • Isuru Perera
    研究合规协调员,研究办公室 & Graduate Studies
  • Krista Scott
    Associate Professor, Theatre
  • Lynita Yarbrough
    传播科学bc体育实践助理教授 & 障碍
  • Lynné Cravens
    Art Galleries Manager, School of Art
  • Marc Melanson
    Assistant Manager, Facility 服务
  • 垫文策尔
    Instructor, English
  • Mayra Guardiola
    学院发展协调员,学院事务办公室 & Development, TCU and UNTHSC School of Medicine
  • Meredith Curtis
    Instructor, Biology
  • Shelia Williams
    Executive Assistant, Office of the Provost 
  • 安吉拉·冈萨加,女篮运营总监

    Action Plan: 为体育部创建一个DEI训练跟踪工具

  • 安妮·塔斯比,项目主管,会计和尼利包容性卓越办公室 School of Business

    Action Plan: Undergraduate Mentoring for Students of Color

  • 安妮·鲁尼,尼利商学院研究生项目执行主任

    Action Plan: 准备尼利MBA和硕士毕业生领导包容性和倡导DE&我在 their post-graduate careers.

  • Brian Gutierrez,财政和行政副校长

    Action Plan: 为高层招聘制定一个多样化候选人名单的计划

  • Candice Payne, Director, Budget Office

    Action Plan: 创建财务和行政副校长包容性卓越计划

  • 大卫·迪布尔,大学进步组织家长捐赠主任

    Action Plan: 提高教学单位捐助者对教学单位倡议的紧迫性和重要性的认识

  • Dr. Eric Yorkston,营销系系主任兼副教授

    Action Plan: 制定招聘计划,使尼利销售证书课程的招生多样化

  • Dr. Frank Hernandez, Dean, College of Education

    Action Plan: 雇员资源小组(ERG)的发展特别侧重于拉丁裔男性

  • Imani Wimberly,住宿生活部副主任 & Residence Life

    Action Plan: 在校园里为面临食品不安全的学生创建一个食品储藏室

  • Dr. 珍妮·克劳斯,负责忠诚奉献的助理副校长

    Action Plan: 在大学发展新员工培训中增加对DEI计划的关注

  • Jess Price, Academic Advisor, John V. Roach Honors College

    Action Plan: 改善第一代学生的荣誉体验

  • Kelcia Righton, Hall Director, Housing & Residence Life

    Action Plan: 在宿舍里为有色人种的新生女生创建一个导师项目

  • 林赛·考丁,戏剧系剧院运营协调员

    Action Plan: 制定一个招生计划,为戏剧项目吸引更多元化的学生群体

  • 梅丽莎·奥斯汀·威克斯,校友关系部副主任

    Action Plan: 为校友会义工提供有效的DEI训练

  • 萨拉·索伦森,招生办公室招生项目助理主任

    Action Plan: 为入学的一年级学生创建包容性卓越奖学金

  • Dr. 索菲亚·加西亚,科学与工程学院生物学讲师

    Action Plan: 在理学院为学生创造公平的研究机会 and Engineering

  • Stephen Dominy, Associate Director, Fraternity & Sorority Life

    Action Plan: 加强对各类研究生候选人的招聘和保留工作 the Higher Education Leadership program

  • 苏海尔·约翰逊,TCU和UNT健康科学中心医学院高级协调员 Office of 多样性 and 包容

    Action Plan: 为学生兴趣小组制定交流计划

  • Dr. Trung Nguyen,学生事务临时助理副校长

    Action Plan: 为BIPOC教职员工提供心理健康支持

  • Dr. 凡妮莎·罗伯茨-布莱恩,学生发展部副主任,学生发展 服务

    Action Plan: 关注工作人员大会作为DEI变革推动者的作用

  • Dr. Wendy Macias,战略传播学副教授

    Action Plan: Schieffer College Recruiting & Sustaining Inclusive Undergraduate Excellence

  • Dr. 威尔·吉本斯,美术学院副院长兼副教授

    Action Plan: 激励和认可DEI在美术学院的努力

  • Dr. 佐拉娜·琼斯,跨学科研究学院副院长

    Action Plan: 大学生活课程导论教师的DEI教育与培训设计